Monday, February 7, 2011

Here We Go

     The first order of business here, before I officially return from what might be called a hiatus of sorts, is to dedicate this post to Patrik--you may blame or give credit to him for this blogs shaky return to its somewhat oafish feet.
     Now! With a fresh paragraph I mark it official and with this marker comes the second order of business, which happens to be to get to the point of this post. Sadly, this is easier said than done, for there are many incoherent apparitions of thoughts that are manifesting themselves in my mind, but which when I attempt to take hold of and put down in plain English, fail to translate into anything except pure, literary fluff. These reflections have led me to the conclusion that I have no choice except to write on the nature of my reflections themselves, the format of which is this blog itself. I am aware that I have once already written a post on blogs and that one should only be alloted one of his medium in that medium, for if one reflects on his or herself too much I am a firm believer that they will eventually turn themselves inside out and the world will see them for what they really are, which happens to be nothing at all, and they will promptly disappear forever.
      It turns out that all I really have to say is that those of you who know the flesh and blood me are aware that my speech is nothing like my writing here. This concerns me slightly, because I consider myself one who always stands for real content from a person and when I detect a facade of any sort I usually denounce the work of the poor individual as utterly worthless. However, this writing, however obnoxious (and however many self deprecating comments I make) is from my soul which I offer to you. I close with an appropriate quote which also happens to be the quote for which this blog is named.

"One's identity ought not to be comprised of things which they don't partake in. It also ought not to be
reflecting those things of which we seem to emphatically take part in. The whole idea of a personality is almost entirely for the benefit of others. The truth is we are all incoherent enigmas who do not know ourselves--anyone who did is more than likely no longer continuing to cycle through this life."
-Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorite posts on your blog. Particularly the bit about reflexivity leading to disappearing forever. And that's a great quote at the end, I wish we knew who said it.
